Trick or treat?! I'm missing it! Before, we used to go around the village with baskets with us..knock the door and ask for candies.
Halloween is an annual event. Hmm..ano nga ba talaga ang sine-celebrate natin pag Halloween? Is it the saints or the souls of our loved ones who passed away? I had this verified with our supervisor! {nyak! joke!}
November 1 is for the saints daw while November 2 is for our loved ones' so
uls. I just wonder, bakit mas maraming taong nagpupunta sa cemetery pag NOv.1?! Whereas, dapat pala Nov.2 tayo nagpupunta dun. made sense pero for me, it's not important kung kelan. Ang importante, we remember.
DID YOU KNOW? Originally, Christians observed All Saints' Day on May 13. But in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III moved it to November 1. Officially, the Church chose this new date to mark the papal dedication of a church honoring the saints. But many historians believe the Church really moved the observance to correspond with Samhain and other pagan fall festivals.
All Souls' Day, observed on November 2, is celebrated with Masses and festivities in honor of the dead. The living pray on behalf of Christians who are in purgatory, the state in the afterlife where souls are purified before proceeding to heaven. Souls in purgatory, who are members of the church just like living Christians, must suffer so that they can be purged of their sins. Through prayer and good works, living members of the church may help their departed friends and family.

DID YOU KNOW? Originally, Christians observed All Saints' Day on May 13. But in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III moved it to November 1. Officially, the Church chose this new date to mark the papal dedication of a church honoring the saints. But many historians believe the Church really moved the observance to correspond with Samhain and other pagan fall festivals.
All Souls' Day, observed on November 2, is celebrated with Masses and festivities in honor of the dead. The living pray on behalf of Christians who are in purgatory, the state in the afterlife where souls are purified before proceeding to heaven. Souls in purgatory, who are members of the church just like living Christians, must suffer so that they can be purged of their sins. Through prayer and good works, living members of the church may help their departed friends and family.

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