Thursday, September 20, 2007

mY prAyer..

God help me through this trying time, and hold me close to You. Reassure me Father of my faith, and that You love me too. Help me Father to resist, temptations that prevail, I know that the enemy's in our midst' and trying not to fail.

Each time I feel myself slipping, I look up to You and say, Father, I need you so very much, please guide me in the right way. And at times when I'm scared and all alone, and I don't know what to do. I think why keep trying, and not give up, then I remember You.

I picture you upon the cross, the pain you were willing to take. As
long as I live I will not understand, why You did that just for our sake. And in my heart there will always be, the love that I feel for You.

I thank You Father so very much, for the love that You give to me too.

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